This event has passed.
Each team has been allocated 6 tickets to sell, at $10.00 per ticket and these can be purchased through your Team Manager. More tickets are available, so please contact us via, if you want more.
Quiz teams are a maximum of 6 people per team.
We also require each team member to donate a grocery item, a bottle or a voucher. These will be put together into prizes and raffled off during the quiz night. All donations are to be collected by managers by 20th August.
Any Social 6ixes teams that are interested in putting a team together, are more than welcome, please order your tickets through Nicola at Please note, that Social 6ixes teams are not required to donation raffle items.
The fundraising that we are doing is going towards additional equipment for the club.
We are hoping for a great turn out to support our club, so get your teams together and prove you know it all! We appreciate your support with this fundraising event.
Waikirikiri Sport Fundraising Committee