Registrations for this event are closed.
Adults - Wednesday 16 October 2019 until Wednesday 4 December 2019 (8 weeks) with games commencing at 7:00pm.
- Players must be at high school to play in the adult grade.
- $240 per team
- Foster Park, Rolleston
Business House Hockey is a Mid Week Social Hockey Competition.
This competition will be run all year round on a term by term basis 3 x 8 week competition.
Teams to wear the same colour shirt, numbers are not required
Individual players looking for a team can email the Competitions Manager to be put in a team
Normal Rules of hockey apply with the following exceptions: 5 a-side, no lifting for juniors, seniors can lift up to knee height, no Penalty Corners, no hitting, 1/4 full field (1/2 Foster Park), Please see the download at the bottom of this page
Venue Supervisor
- Venue supervisors will be present at the venue to manage the activities
- Teams to provide their own umpire until Waikirikiri Hockey can supply umpires.
- If you are able to help by umpiring please email the competition manager.
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